
Our fulfilment genie is on a break. Back 4 November. Thanks for your patience.

Our fulfilment genie is on a break. Back 4 November. Thanks for your patience.

There’s a fair chance that cleaning the bathroom is no one’s favourite job in your home. It’s a space has been historically easy to overfill with bottles, and the clutter, spillage and plastic waste that comes with them can quickly make the task overwhelming.

Let’s fix that forever with a structured declutter and a change in approach going forward. It won’t just feel good today, you’ll be putting in place a mindset that will see your waste significantly reduced and your bathing experiences all-round better. Here’s my recommended course of action:

  1. Bring together in one place ALL the bathing and beauty products in your home right now – whether in use or in storage. Look everywhere!
  2. Forgetting brand, price and mode of acquisition, identify the items you like AND actually use (both together!). Set these aside.
  3. Pick out any unopened products remaining. Dispose of genuinely expired products (empty and recycle where you can).  Label other products with re-home destinations and commit to passing them on. Have a friend or neighbour who will genuinely like AND use something? Ask if they want it, then gift. For other items, consider donating to your local Night Shelter or similar charity (it pays to ask them first).
  4. Depending on what your unwanted open products are, you may be able to re-home them or use them for other functions, like handwashing, until they’re gone. Add them to a ‘do not buy’ list to remind yourself that you neither like nor need them!
  5. While your surfaces are empty, do a full clean everywhere. Not fun, but you’ll be glad you’ve done it. De-scunge your showerhead with a soak in white vinegar and water if it needs it.
  6. Now it’s time to review the favoured products from Step 2. Where is the optimal location for them with easy access (so you don’t forget to use them) but also keeps them in good condition?
  7. With what you use AND like fresh in your mind, if they come in bottles why not take a few minutes to research whether you could replace them next time round with solid bars? This market is growing quickly, so it’s worth doing a semi-regular scout about online or in your neighbourhood. Choosing bars over bottles will make a significant difference to the volume waste you create in a lifetime. Even if your favoured products come in glass, there’s a fair chance it’s not the recyclable kind. Once you use bars for all functions (stored in a Block DockTM) you’ll enjoy clear surfaces and have noticeably less cleaning to do. That’s a lot of bonus time over the rest of your life!

Once you’ve done all the above treat yourself to some moments of peace. Have that glass of wine or cup of tea and relax. Your streamlined bathroom looks and feels awesome. Well done.

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